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Volunteer with Children’s Hearings Scotland (CHS) and make a difference in your community!

CHS is recruiting for volunteer Panel Members across the country to help support Scotland’s infants, children and young people. We are looking for enthusiastic people aged 18 and over who can show empathy, compassion and great listening skills. 

Panel Members are volunteers from local communities who take part in children's hearings. Their role is to listen and make legal decisions with and for infants, children and young people where there are concerns for their wellbeing. Panel Members ensure that the young person is at the heart of every decision made – because every decision, no matter how big or small, has an impact on the life of the child or young person in the hearing.

We offer an extensive training programme with a highly experienced team to support your development, who will help you along your journey in becoming a panel member. 

 Applications close at midnight on Monday 30th September 2024.

Learn more by visiting: www.chscotland.gov.uk or contact Linda Hutchison, Clerk to the Area Support Team (East Renfrewshire) by email: linda.hutchison@chscotland.scot

Posted on 18th September 2024

by Barry Tudhope

Boundaries Scotland - Consultation

Boundaries Scotland is currently consulting on revised constituency boundaries for the Scottish Parliament, including East Renfrewshire.  Have your say on the proposals here:

The consultation closes on Wednesday 15 May 2024

Posted on 16th April 2024

by Boundaries Scotland

Review of Accessibility Criteria in the Licensing of Taxis and Private Hire Cars

East Renfrewshire Licensing Committee is currently reviewing its policy regarding the licensing of taxis and private hire cars with reference to accessibility criteria for disabled users. As part of this process, the Committee wishes to hear the views of the trade (drivers and booking offices) and users of such vehicles, whether disabled or otherwise.

The Committee is particularly interested in hearing views regarding the current availability of wheelchair accessible vehicles, current and potential demand for them and any other information which will assist it to determine appropriate numbers of accessible vehicles within its licensed fleet.

The committee is also taking this opportunity to consider wider disability related issues including the carriage of guide and assistance dogs.

Please submit any evidence or views you wish to express on these matters to the Council no later than 5pm on Friday 1 March 2024. Comments can be sent by e-mail to brian.kilpatrick@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk or by post addressed to, Licensing Enforcement Officer, East Renfrewshire Council, Eastwood Park, Giffnock,G46 6UG

More information on the licensing of taxis and private hire cars can be found here.

Posted on 1st February 2024

by Aidan Holligan